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Otomasi install LEMP di Centos-7 dengan Bash Command
Otomasi install LEMP di Centos-7 dengan Bash Command
#!/usr/bin/bash #update system yum update -y #install nginx echo "install epel-release..." yum install epel-release -y echp "install nginx..." yum install nginx -y echo "enable nginx" systemctl enable nginx echo "start nginx" systemctl start nginx #install firewall echo "install firewall" yum install firewalld -y echo "running firewll daemon.." systemctl enable firewalld systemctl start firewalld echo "open port 80..." firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http echo "open port 443..." firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https echo "reload firewalld" firewall-cmd --reload #install maruadb echo "install mariadb" yum install mariadb-server -y echo "start mariadb" systemctl start mariadb. Read more